
What is GuiTest?

From the README file:

Most GUI test scripts I have seen/written for Win32 use some variant of Visual Basic (e.g. MS-VB or MS-Visual Test). The main reason is the availability of the SendKeys function. A nice way to drive Win32 programs from a test script is to use OLE Automation (ActiveX Scripting), but not all Win32 programs support this interface. That's where SendKeys comes handy.

So GuiTest is a Perl module that allows sending keystrokes, mouse-clicks and in general interacting with Windows applications in different mostly fun ways.

You can get the latest "official" version from CPAN. Just search for the Win32::GuiTest module.

I've also setup the Perl GuiTest Yahoo Group to host discussion about GuiTest. The files section sometimes contains intermediate releases that I don't release at CPAN.

I've also published an article on testing GUIs for the Windows Developer Magazine (February 2002 issue), that uses the GuiTest module.

Show me some code

Ok, so you want to see some examples. Here are two that come with the distribution.

Shows information about all the windows in your system.

Font Dialog
A very twisted (but fun) way to get the list of fonts installed on your machine.

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